Many of you may be wondering, with all the import games that are out, which one to spend your precious Christmas money on. Since the economy has been bad, even the "recession proof" video gaming industry has taken a huge hit. I would like to suggest my number one choice that will be entertaining enough to distract you from the harsh reality we are facing!
Choice #1
Tatsunoko VS Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes - Import Wii
I'm sure many of you already know of this title, but for those of you who have not bought it, you should definitely take the time to do a little research and rethink your decision! This game is hands down the most action packed fighting game to date. With the usual cast of Ryu and Chunli as well as many new additions on the Tatsunoko side, there is always someone new to learn to use. Even Viewtiful Joe was able to make his way into this game! (At first I thought of it as more of a novelty but Viewtiful Joe is a pretty darn good character.) The action is pretty much the same as Marvel VS Capcom 2 except you only have one other partner. The mechanics are very similar but in Tatsunoko you are able to tag out your character in mid-air and continue the combo with your partner. Overall this game is very addicting but some may think it might be repetitive. But for fighting game fans I'm sure this problem has never presented itself to them.
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