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Release Date: 9/17/09
UPC: 4956027124860 (Regular)
UPC: 4956027124907 (Limited Edition)
Genre: RPG
Company: Falcom
Version: Japan
-from 1up- The seventh game in the Ys series stars red-haired adventurer Adol Christin adventuring around Altago, a new land home to ancient ruins, huge monsters, and a tale about five great, overseeing dragons. Basic gameplay will be similar to Ys: The Ark of Napishtim, but for the first time ever, you'll be controlling a party of up to three characters at once, switching between fighters as the rest of the crew runs on AI.
Regular Edition Includes these extras:
1 x Soundtrack CD
1 x Artwork Booklet
Limted Edition Includes these extras:
1 x Soundtrack CD
1 x Artwork Booklet
1 x Drama CD