PSP Go (styled
PSPgo or
PSP go, model PSP-N1000)
is a version of the
PlayStation Portable handheld videogame console to be manufactured by Sony.
It is scheduled for release on October 1, 2009 in American and European territories. It was revealed prior to
E3 2009 through Sony's
Qore VOD service.
Although its design is significantly different from other PSPs, it is not intended to replace the
PSP 3000 which Sony will continue to manufacture, sell and support.
Unlike previous PSP models, the PSP Go does not feature a UMD slot but instead has 16 GB of internal flash memory to store games, video and other media. This can be extended by up to 32GB with the use of a Memory Stick Micro (M2) flash card. It is 43% lighter and 56% smaller than the original PSP-1000, and 16% lighter and 35% smaller than the PSP-3000. It has a 3.8" 480x272 LCD (compared to 4.3" on previous PSP models). The screen slides up to reveal the main controls. The overall shape and sliding mechanism are similar to that of Sony's mylo COM-2 internet device.
Like previous PSP models, the PSP Go features built-in wi-fi and a USB port but also supports Bluetooth connectivity enabling the use of compatible Bluetooth headsets and tethering with Bluetooth enabled mobile phones. This will also enable users to connect and play games using a Sixaxis or DualShock 3 PlayStation 3 controller or Bluetooth headset.
Because the PSP Go does not feature a UMD drive, games are downloaded from the PlayStation Store. Currently there are three ways to access the PlayStation Store. The PSP Go can directly download to itself, or users can also download then transfer the games from a PlayStation 3 or the Media Go software on Windows based computers. All current downloadable PSP and PlayStation games available for older PSP models will be compatible with the PSP Go. Sony has also confirmed that all UMD based PSP games released after October 1, 2009 will be available for download, and a majority of older UMD-only games will also be downloadable at that time.